Relationship & Cause Marketing

We put the you in Universal

Here at UPI, we love creating programs that strengthen relationships between our clients and their customers! With over 35 years of success, we’ve become a leader in developing, implementing and managing customer loyalty and cause marketing programs. Our programs are individually tailored to influence your customers’ shopping habits using special perks or rewards. These incentives increase sales, drive brand awareness and enhance customer satisfaction.

While many of our programs provide direct incentives to customers, our Cause Marketing programs focus on giving back to the community. These programs support public and private schools, animal organizations and 501(c)3 non-profit organizations when customers loyally shop at a store or purchase specific products. Shoppers love these programs because they feel they are, too, giving back each time they shop!  Our Cause Marketing programs enhance customer loyalty and create strong relationships within the communities that your customers call home.


Everything you need in one place

Many different options

Receipt or UPC Programs

  • Retailers/brands determine a budget for the program. Shoppers, schools or non-profits collect receipts/ UPC codes, mail them in and earn their fair share of the budget.

Loyalty Card Program

  • For retailers that have an existing loyalty card, we can work with you to set up an automated data feed. Each time a participating loyalty card is scanned, credit is earned. This allows for a budgeted program and ease of use for the shopper, school or non-profit organization!
Recipe Contests

  • Our recipe contest platform is the ideal way to engage customers, parents and children in a tasty recipe challenge! Shoppers submit their favorite recipes (using specific brands or products) to earn rewards for themselves or credit for their favorite school or organization. This contest becomes more successful and drives brand awareness through fan favorite voting and lots of social media sharing!

IT Support for All Programs
  • Website design
  • Website hosting & Monitoring
  • Database development
  • Data segmentation and filtering analysis